Coming soon [1]
User Guide
Get the code
To install MITgcm in your account, please place you to : /share/work/user_name
export CVSROOT='' cvs login ( enter the CVS password: "cvsanon" ) cvs co -P MITgcm
If you want a specific verification to play with, place you to :/share/work/user_name/MITgcm/verification
cvs co -P -d verif_name MITgcm/verification/verif_name .
!!! Pay attention this can download a second time all the MITgcm model...
A list of verifications available can be found here: [2]
Play with verification
1- Place you to /share/work/user_name/MITgcm and create a folder run, and place you into (you can add a subfolder with the name of the specific verification you will use)
2- Copy paste in this folder the verification that you want to play with
cp -r /share/work/user_name/MITgcm/verification/verif_name/* .
If you are at the right place (/share/work/user_name/MITgcm/run/[subfolders]) an that you copy paste correctly you should found the following folders:
build code_ad CVS input_ad README run code code_oad input input_oad results
From here you will be able to compile the code:
cd build ../../../tools/genmake2 -mods ../code make depend make cd ..
3- Prepare your test_case folder, and copy-past or make a symbolic link the input data you will need to run it after compilation
mkdir test_case mkdir test_1 cd test_1 cp -r /share/work/user_name/MITgcm/run/verif_name/input/* . OR ln -s ../../input/* .
(you may have to modify on the prepare_run file ligne 10: dir: ../../input or other place where the data will be read)
ln -s ../../build/mitgcmuv . Make a symbolic link with the executable .
4- Create a /tmp folder to take care of the pickup file.
5- You are ready to run the model:
./mitgcmuv > output.txt